The Mulala village is a typical rural setting on the southern slopes of Mount Meru, surround-ed by spectacular views. It lies at about 1.700m above sea level and you wind your way up to the mountain through lush, green vegetation dotted with small farms. Several women of the village have set up small co-operations in order to support economic activities and start new income generating projects. You will take a walk through the Mountain Green Coffee farm, learn about the coffee plantation and participate in the local way of de-fruiting and drying coffee seeds. Of course you can sample a cup of the home-made coffee which you’ll prepare yourself. Afterwards walk through the village criss-crossing banana farms up to a height of about 1.800m, from where you can enjoy the spectacular view of Mount Meru and the Kilimanjaro, the village of Usa River and Lake Duluti. After visiting a local in a private home, you will visit the Mountain Green cheese making unit, where cheese like Gouda, Cheddar and Feta are produced in the local way, using partly biogas.